Tehniki-ykdasydy esaslandyrma
Технико-экономические обоснование
Feasibility studies
Market conditions and technology at our disposal are constantly changing, and new requirements may introduce additional uncertainty. We can help you mitigate risks and achieve your goals by developing detailed feasibility studies.
Our comprehensive solutions for preparation of feasibility studies help to create a clear understanding among our clients in implementation of their projects, as well as the potential opportunities and difficulties that have to be overcome, for a full informed decision-making about investments. Whatever your target – to take advantage of new technological platforms, optimize feedstock, improve product mix, reduce operating or capital costs, or increase production capacity – we have experience and knowledge necessary to provide the data and analysis required to achieve your goals. Our consultants will provide comprehensive information covering the entire scope of your project, including the sustainability of market development, technical feasibility and predicted return on investment. The depth and range of our capabilities allow us to cover all types of facilities for the extraction and processing of oil and gas and the use of many types of renewable energy.
Our feasibility studies include
• Technical definition.
• Calculation of capital investments, operating costs and decommissioning costs.
• Implementation plan and schedule for design, procurement, production and construction.
• Analysis and reduction of project risks.